“The World Is a Book and Those Who Do Not Travel Read Only One Page”

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page” emphasizes that if you never go anywhere, you’ll have a very limited view of the world.This inspirational quote about travel is attributed to Saint Augustine of Hippo.

Welcome to my travel blog! I decided to start this to begin documenting my experiences going abroad. I have had a passion for traveling and experiencing new cultures since I was a young boy. Just for some background I am a 1st generation Haitian-American student living in the United States, embarking on my final year as an undergraduate student at Lehigh University.

I always had the dream of traveling outside of the continental United States and FINALLY I did for the first time last year in May 2013, when I traveled abroad with the Lehigh University Service and Cultural Immersion trip to Antigua and Barbuda located in the Caribbean. The travel bug bit me and now I am addicted to traveling. I promised myself during college that I would take as many opportunities to travel the world. In March of 2014. I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Kenya on the eastern coast of Africa with my International Social Entrepreneurship course. Currently I find myself in Accra, Ghana in Western Africa living and interning for the next six weeks. I will be participating in the Lee Iacocca International Internship Program. Each time I travel I learn something new about myself and my history. Stepping foot outside of my comfort zone is extremely comforting and rewarding. I meet some amazing people and these experiences are the ones that I live for- I am literally living out my dreams as cliche as that sounds.

This past school year has been the toughest year in my entire life. The only word that can describe this year for me is traumatic. I may not show much emotion but I was going through it and did not want to let anyone or anything in. I kept it all to myself, and in the end it started hurting me. I lost my faith for a bit, I stopped praying, I became fearful, lonely, paranoid, and angry towards everything about life. I was tested in every aspect of my life- the physical, mental, spiritual, familial, professional, and personal. At times, I wanted to quit everything so bad. Through these tumultuous times, I grew up SO much. I gained so much confidence and ability to think, breathe and see life for myself and start to make some important decisions for me, regardless of what anyone else had to say. I am still and will always learning about myself, and constantly trying to improve who I am. I cannot think of a better experience after the year I just had- it is much needed.

Each time I travel, I turn to a new page. Each day is filled with a new adventure, another lesson, and another friend. This journey called life is both scary and exhilarating. Each time I travel I realized I become closer with my family, and learn more about my heritage and my history from my parents. Each time I learn more about who I am and love myself even more.

These next six weeks are about me, myself, and I. I am in the land of my ancestors. I am in a “new world” with new people to meet, new things to do, and I have been blessed with the opportunity of a lifetime. I will try new things, I will do things out of the ordinary, but most important I will enjoy myself, and learn a history that is connected to my own ancestry, as a descendant and “product” of the African diaspora.

Peace and love from Ghana,



3 responses to ““The World Is a Book and Those Who Do Not Travel Read Only One Page”

  1. Ralph,
    For a first post, this was an exceptionally well written blog entry. I have always wanted to travel as well; my thirst is heightened with every day that passes and with every line that I just read from your post. I cannot wait to keep up with your blog. I am so glad you are on this trip, I cannot wait to hear about it in person when you return to Bethlehem.

    As soon as I saw your blog url I got so excited because ever since the day I learned about Sankofa at Leadershape I have been incredibly intrigued with the symbol. I read your blog description in which you talk about Sankofa and the symbol’s meaning and weight and I find that it is almost the same explanation I give to those who ask me why I want to get it tattooed. Yes! I’m getting it tattooed. I will have it by the time you come back.

    If it isn’t too much to ask, send me a postcard! I love snail mail.

    Love always,

    P.S. I cannot wait to be able to have a blog of my own when I start to travel the world for myself.

  2. Love it!!! So excited to read about your journey! There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about my trip to Ghana. There is so much history and most important LOVE there! Enjoy your experience

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